

Meutia, Ayu ; editor: Jamal Raslan

Detil Buku
Edisi -
Penerbit Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2018
Deskripsi Fisik 144 hm ; 20 cm
ISBN 9786027262515
Bahasa -
Call Number 811.08 MEU t ; KC/811.08 MEU t
"Poets, Stay true because your words are not going to heal until you do." “The subtlety of Ayu’s words sometimes play a trick on her readers. Smooth and unassuming, but suddenly the warmth of her poetry will embrace you without a warning. The beauty of Tigress lies on how Ayu meticulously crafted her lines word by word with a touch of emotional force. It’s personal but visible and accessible, like a garden at your front yard. Don’t let her gentleness deceive you into thinking that her words are all niceties, though. At unexpected turns, she will bite. After all, she’s a Tigress.” - Pangeran Siahaan, Author & Presenter
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