English For Professional Tour Guiding Services
Sutanto Leo (Pengarang)
Tersedia di:
Bibliografi: halaman 319-323 ; This practical book provides very systematic guides for learners to practice communication within tour guide services. By employing a wide range of creative activities, this book aims:1. To practice welcoming tourists, giving and asking information, preparing tour itineraries, orientation meeting and briefing, guiding commentary on the way, giving local food information, telling a legend, suggesting places of interest to visit, dealing with unexpected events, handling customer complaints, explaining safety, rule, etiquette and customs, reporting tour activity, designing tourist brochures, planning packaged tours, etc.2. To enable learners to self-study practicing the language both in written and spoken forms through guided, semi-guided, and free learning activities.3. To help learners improve their fl uency and accuracy in using the language throughout their future careers.
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