The Radiant, Garish Girl

The Radiant, Garish Girl

Widowati Valentsabitah Gusti (Pengarang)

Detil Buku
Edisi -
Penerbit Jakarta : PT Elex Media Komputindo, 2021
Deskripsi Fisik 119 halaman : ilus ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9786230025914
Subjek NOVEL
Bahasa Inggris
Call Number KC/823 WID r ; 813 WID r
"A lost will find its way back home." The world continues to revolve even after the pandemic. Everything is quite the some for her. Trying to stay sane after all the trauma that she endured as it took a significant toll on her life whilst grieving the loss of her family members. She hides behind the mask of the picture perfect girl, the radiant, garish girl.. But what happens when the mask starts to crack?
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