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Understanding china's economy

Understanding china's economy

Chow, Gregory C. (Pengarang)

Edisi -
Penerbit Singapura : World Scientific, 1994
Deskripsi Fisik vii,269 halaman. : ilustrasi. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9810218583
Subjek China
Bahasa Inggris
Call Number R/330.951 CHO u

Tersedia di:

Perpustakaan Jakarta - Cikini
Baca di tempat: 1


In the early 1990's, the world began to recognize China as a rising economic power to reckon with. China's economy is dynamic — her human and natural resources are plentiful and her economic growth has been well sustained over the last 16 years. In fact, some have predicted that by the year 2020, China's economic output will be close to half that of the US. It is undeniable that China will be an economic giant, if she is not already one today. In this book, the author has traced China's economic development over the last 16 years. The steps and characteristics of China's economic reform are detailed. The prospects for China's economic growth are studied. The author also attempts to analyze topical issues pertaining to China's economic relations with the US and her integration with the other Asian economies. This book provides the interested reader with a bird's eye view of the Chinese economy over the last 16 years. Most chapters are written for the general reader, while a few are for professional economists. For the questions it answers or for those that it raises, this is an important book to read. ; Indeks : halaman 247-269 ; Bibliografi : halaman 245-246


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