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Transformation of human capital development of the public sector in Indonesia

Transformation of human capital development of the public sector in Indonesia

Haris Faozan (penulis) ; Marsono (penulis) ; Amrillah M. (penulis) ; Arif Ramadhan (penulis) ; Madya Putra Yaumil Ahad (penulis) ; Azwar Aswin (penulis) ; Adi Suryanto (editor) ; Agus Sudrajat (editor) ; Basseng (editor) ; Lembaga Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia

Edisi Cetakan Pertama
Penerbit Jakarta : Asosiasi Profesi Widyaiswara Indonesia, 2021; Copyright © 2021 The National Institute of Public Administration, The Republic of Indonesia
Deskripsi Fisik xiv, 134 halaman ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9786239912963
Subjek Pegawai negeri, motivasi / Sumber Daya Manusia
Bahasa -
Call Number KC/658.3 TRA

Tersedia di:

Perpustakaan Jakarta - Cikini
Baca di tempat: 1


Learning from the multi-disruption Era of competency development in the public sector we should be able to navigate it simultaneously with very dynamic changes and movement. The multi-disruption era is not an obstacle, it needs to be used as an opportunity for bureaucracy, especially ASN adaptibility. The opportunity will also dictate a paradigm shift in human capital development in the bureaucracy. The public sector needs to picture the development of ASN competencies today, what the problems are, and what can be addressed. Only then the trend of human capital development in the public sector can become a new trend of competency development. Thus, ASN as a human capital of the public sector can be an enabler as well as an active actor within it.


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