How to be a global citizen : be informed get involved
Bhattacharya, Sreshtha ; Anand, Shreya (ilustrator)
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glosarium: halaman, 152-155 ; An illustrated guide to how we can all make a difference in our local and global communities. Are you an aspiring activist or a curious community member? Then this is the perfect guide for you! Young people around the world are more aware than ever before of social, cultural, and environmental issues. They want their voices to be heard. They are keen to step up and make a difference. Packed with carefully curated and expert-written content, this fun illustrated guide helps young people explore the global issues that matter most to them and shows them practical ways to actively participate in their local community and the wider world. The book helps them discover how to be respectful online, understand why we pay taxes, and even campaign to clean a local beach! From tricky topics such as fake news, racism, ableism, and the climate crisis, to compelling stories of young leaders sparking change, this book explains how to make a difference at every level - at home, in the local community, and globally. Lively graphics and thought-provoking text highlight how young people can be part of a community and train in specific careers to do so, inspiring them to take up the responsibilities of citizenship. How To Be A Global Citizen is essential reading for tomorrow's active global citizens.
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