The Brain book :  memory, matter, and your mind

The Brain book : memory, matter, and your mind

Drew, Liam ; Hall, Catherine (konsultan) ; Stanford, Olivia (editor) ; Clifton, Mark (ilustrator) ; Stovne, Bettina Myklebust (ilustrator)

Otak -- Jaringan Syaraf Tulang Belakang
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Penerbit London : Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2021 cm.
Deskripsi Fisik 64 halaman : ilustrasi ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9780241460122
Subjek Otak -- Jaringan Syaraf Tulang Belakang
Bahasa -
Call Number A/611.8 DRE b ; R/A/611.8 DRE b
Filled with colourful illustrations and bite-sized chunks of information, this book covers everything from the anatomy of the brain and nervous system to how information is collected and sent around the body. Other topics include how we learn, memory, thinking, emotions, animal brains, sleep, and even questions about the brain that are yet to be answered. With fun illustrated characters, clear diagrams, and fascinating photographs, children will love learning about their minds and this all-important organ.
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