Indonesian women artists : into the future
Carla Bianpoen (Pengarang) ; Marjie Suanda (editor) ; Eddy Soetriyono (editor) ; Carla Bianpoen (editor)
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This limited-edition book is authored by the senior writer of contemporary art, Carla Bianpoen who unveils the works by 21 Indonesian women artists between 28 and 41 years of age. Combining art, science, technology, and the Female spirit, they are considered a new and future direction in contemporary art of today and the coming era. The artists are: Andrita Yuniza Orbandi; Ayu Arista Murti, Cecilia Patricia Untario, Dita Gambiro; Elia Nurvista; Erika Ernawan; Etza Meisyara; Fika Ria Santika; Irene Agrivina; Kinez Riza; Maharani Mancanagara; Maradita Sutantio; Natasha Tontey; Octora; Prilla Tania; Restu Ratnaningtyas; Sanchia Tryphosa Hamidjaja; Syagini Ratna Wulan; Tara Astari Kasenda; Theresia Agustia Sitompul, and Yaya Sung. The joy of this book is in the balance of the well-written and knowledgeable text and stunning choice of images. There is a wealth of information about each artist and an in-depth description of her practice that is illuminating for anyone interested in the process of making art. But perhaps what makes this book a true companion for both novices, experts, academics, and other practitioners in the field of art is that each artist’s journey is described in detail—the pain, the toil, the effort to dig deep into one’s life, the messiness of it all.
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