Perilaku konsumen dan strategi pemasaran
Peter, J. Paul
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Judul asli : Consumer behavior & marketing strategy ; This book takes a strategic look at consumer behavior in order to guide successful marketing activities. The Wheel of Consumer Analysis is the organizing factor in the book. The four major parts of the wheel are consumer affect and cognition, consumer behavior, consumer environment, and marketing strategy. Each of these components is the topic of one of the four major sections in the book. "Consumer Behaviour", 9/e by Peter and Olson provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform consumer analyses that can be used for understanding markets and developing effective marketing strategies. The authors have developed the 'Wheel of Consumer Analysis', which is a tool to help the reader understand how consumer affect and cognition, consumer behaviour, consumer environment, and marketing strategy interact. The Wheel Model is a powerful tool for analysing and understanding consumer behaviour and can be used to guide the development of effective marketing strategies.