Belahan jiwa :  untuk wanita yang kuhadiahi bunga wol rajutan ibuku

Belahan jiwa : untuk wanita yang kuhadiahi bunga wol rajutan ibuku

Tasaro GK (Pengarang)

Hubungan interpersonal
Detil Buku
Edisi Cetakan pertama
Penerbit Bandung : Qanita, 2020
Deskripsi Fisik 168 Halaman ; 20 cm
ISBN 9786024021948
Subjek Hubungan interpersonal
Bahasa Indonesia
Call Number 158.24 TAS b
Finding a soulmate is a longing that entails every soul. We yearn for its existence to complete the emptiness within. We spend a long quest with various tests in order to meet the lover of the heart, someone who in the shadow will be the perfect soulmate. However, when we have found his figure, will this search be stopped in the glitter of the wedding party? Marriage is like a long passageway to test how tough lovers are to affirm love. When problems shake: disappointment, boredom, inattention, and doubt, will we be willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of a soulmate? Only time can reveal how strong a love is until we confidently say he is the Soulmate.
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