Medical management of the thoracic surgery patient
- (Pengarang) ; Michael I.Lewis (editor) ; Robert J. McKenna Jr. (editor)
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Medical Management of the Thoracic Surgery Patient, by Michael I. Lewis, MD and Robert J. McKenna, Jr., MD, is a comprehensive pulmonary and thoracic reference that takes a practical approach to the diagnosis, workup and care of the thoracic surgery patient. It is geared towards pulmonary and critical care physicians and their trainees as well as all other specialties with whom thoracic surgeons consult and interact. It outlines the principles for understanding the underlying disease entities as well as the clinical implications and complications of surgery, and interprets key surgical concepts such as correlative and functional anatomy for non-surgeons. Contributions from today’s authorities...“at-a-glance” detailed key information, as well as summary bullets...and a multidisciplinary perspective, combine to offer essential guidance for confident patient management.
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