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Water and wastewater technology

Water and wastewater technology

Hammer, Mark J. (penulis) ; Anthony, Vernon (editor)

Edisi Edisi ketujuh
Penerbit New York : Pearson, 2012
Deskripsi Fisik xi, 451 halaman : ilustrasi ; 30 cm.
ISBN 9780132719889
Subjek Teknik Persediaan Air
Bahasa Indonesia
Call Number 628.1 HAM w

Tersedia di:

Perpustakaan Jakarta - Cikini
Baca di tempat: 1


Indeks ; This book provides comprehensive coverage of the fundamental principles and current practices in water processing, water distribution, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, sludge processing, advanced wastewater treatment, and water reuse, along with an understanding of sustainability. The objective is to transfer knowledge of these subjects throughout the world to persons who are interested in continuing their study in sanitary technology and engineering, and to persons interested in operation and maintenance of water and wastewater facilities. This seventh edition updates the subject matter, illustrations, and problems to incorporate new concepts and issues related to the water environment. This edition introduces the issues of water supply and water sustainability in chapter 1 as a backdrop to the issues of water and wastewater treatment and ends in Chapter 15 with a critical focus on energy sustainability and carbon footprint. In addition, the revision focuses on energy reduction opportunities, optimization, and processes important to sustainability such as membrane biological reactors and ultraviolet disinfection.


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