Indonesian inspiring foods : 35 refined recipes from Indonesian archipelagp
Setyo Widhyarto (Pengarang)
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Duo chef muda yang sama tampannya, sama berpengalamannya, dan sama visinya: kuliner Indonesia bisa tampil mempesona di Mata Dunia. Dalam buku ini Chef Theo Setyo dan Chef Norman Ismail berkolaborasi membagikan 35 resep Nusantara andalan yang merupakan favorit klien dan customernya Semua resep dimasak dengan passion, disajikan dengan gaya clean, elegan, di atas piring cantik. Mewah dan indah. Selain dapat mempraktikkan 35 resep Nusantara yang dijamin lezat Anda Pun dapat meniru food styling yang menggoda ala restoran dan hotel bintang lima. Chef Theo Setyo and Chef Norman Ismail, chef duo who both are good looking, experienced and share the same vision of "Indonesian culinary can awe the world", collaborate to write this book to share 35 Indonesian food recipes foods that have been the favorites of their clients and customers Each recipe is cooked with passion, served with clean and elegant style over a beautiful plate Luxurious and lovely Not only to cook 35 indonesian recipes which surely are delicious, you will also be able to copy the tempting food styling a la fancy restaurants and 5-star hotels in this book.