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The national parks of Indonesia

The national parks of Indonesia

Jatna Supriatna (Pengarang) ; Chris Margules (Pengarang)

Edisi cetakan pertama
Penerbit Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2022
Deskripsi Fisik xxviii, 374 halaman ; 24 cm
ISBN 9786233211758
Subjek Taman Nasional
Bahasa Indonesia
Call Number 719 JAT n

Tersedia di:

Perpustakaan Jakarta - Cikini
Dapat dipinjam: 5


The National Park of Indonesia is a book that we must read when we want to explore the 55 national parks that cover an area of more than 16 million hectares, its history of gazettement, geographic setting, beauty, uniqueness of ecosystems, habitat of flora and fauna, and abundance of ecotourism sites. The book was written by Indonesia living legend in biological conservation, Prof Jatna Supriatna (Universitas Indonesia) and Prof Chris Margules (James Cook University). This book is a comprehensive guidebook showing to the readers and the world how the magnificence of Indonesia archipelagos as a center of mega biodiversity combined by the richness in culture of local communities and their local wisdom. That is why many national parks have been declared World Heritage Sites and Biosphere Reserves by UNESCO, ASEAN Heritage, Ramsar Site, and Global Geopark.


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