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Professional baking :  seventh edition, asia edition

Professional baking : seventh edition, asia edition

Gisslen, Wayne (Pengarang)

Edisi edisi ketujuh, asia edisi
Penerbit Singapore : Wiley, 2016
Deskripsi Fisik 800 halaman : ilustrasi ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781119657170
Subjek Resep Masakan / Baking
Bahasa Inggris
Call Number R/641.5 GIS p

Tersedia di:

Perpustakaan Jakarta - Cikini
Baca di tempat: 4


Professional Baking, 7th Edition is the latest release of the market leading title for the baking course. Focused on both understanding and performing, its goal is to provide students and working chefs with a solid theoretical and practical foundation in baking practices, including selection of ingredients, proper mixing and baking techniques, careful makeup and assembly, and skilled and imaginative decoration and presentation in a straight-forward, learner-friendly style.


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