Power vs. force : the hidden determinants of human behavior
Hawkins, David R. (Pengarang)
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Building on the accumulated wisdom of applied kinesiology (diagnostic muscle-testing to determine the causes of allergies and ailments) and behavioral kinesiology (muscle-testing to determine emotional responses to stimuli), David R. Hawkins MD, PhD has taken muscle-testing to the next level, in an effort to determine what makes people and systems strong, healthy, effective and spiritually sound.Power vs. Force has become a spiritual classic and massively influential across the world. Now, Dr Hawkins reflects on his teachings and provides the definitive update on this timeless text. The whole book has been rewritten with the insights of decades of experience since original publication. This book is a must have for anyone who hasn't discovered the power of Dr Hawkins' work or for those who want to deepen their sense of his unique vision for health, happiness and healing.
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