Biodiversidad amazonica
Trujillo, Fernando (Pengarang)
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Four years ago The Omacha Foundation started a dedicated program for the reforestation of endangered ecosystems such as the wetlands in the Orinoco Basin and the flooded forest in the Amazon. The first program is based in the Biosphere Reserve El Tuparro, where the Foundation manages a private natural reserve of 4.680ha named Bojonawi. For this long- term project, supported by the Forest Conservation Agreement, we started a nursery and we have planted almost 20.000 native trees throughout the wetlands. Given the success of this initiative, we subsequently joined a program sponsored by governmental organizations and private enterprises. This year, in the Amazon, we started a reforestation program of the flooded forest around Tarapoto Lake. In the Amazon River most fish rely on fruits and seeds from the trees for their main food source. One hectare of flooded forest can produce up to 20 tons of seeds per year, principally earmarked as food for fish. Deforestation patterns in this region showed a dramatic decrease of the number of trees on the shores, resulting in a reduction of fish stocks, that in turn, has a very negative effect on the local communities' food security. Regarding this situation we are working with the local communities, especially the Tikuna to recover the flooded areas, by ensuring biodiversity protection and its relationship with human populations. With this in mind we are starting another nursery in the town of Puerto Nariño.