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Goldilocks and the three bears

Goldilocks and the three bears

Francesca Assirelli (Ilustrator)

Edisi -
Penerbit United Kingdom : Miles Kelly, 2014
Deskripsi Fisik 24 halaman : Ilustrasi ; 24 x 24 cm
ISBN 9781789896800
Subjek Dongeng
Bahasa Inggris
Call Number 823 GOL

Tersedia di:

Perpustakaan Jakarta Timur - Jatinegara
Dapat dipinjam: 5


A modern retelling of the classic tale about a curious and rather bold young girl who comes across a house in the woods belonging to three bears... Goldilocks decides to look inside and after sitting in their chairs and tasting their porridge, lies down in each of their beds! Goldilocks finds that the smallest bed, belonging to the youngest bear, is the most comfortable and she soon falls asleep – only to be woken by three extremely angry bears when they get home!


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