The Dark, Dark Night : Malam Gelap Gulita
BUTLER, M Christina
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Woo-woo! The wind blew in the trees. Squeak-squeak! Went the lanterns. And the dark was all around. Frog has been asleep all winter and now he is on his way back home. But, when he gets there, what does he see – a HUGE Pond Monster with enormous claws! Will Frog does ever be able to swim in his pond again? And will he and his friends find out who the Pond Monster really is? Wushhh! Angin berembus di sela pepohonan. Klik-klik! Bunyi lentera. Kegelapan masih menyelimuti. Kata telah lama tidur selama musim dingin dan sekarang ia dalam perjalanan kembali menuju kolamnya. Tetapi ketika ia sampai di sana, ia melihat Monster Kolam RAKSASA dengan cakar-cakar yang menyeramkan! Apakah akhirnya ia dan teman-temannya mengetahui siapa Monster Kolam yang sebenarnya..