Placement learning in surgical nursing : A Guide for Student in Practice
HOLLAND, Karen ; MCCUBBIN, Mairi ; ROXBURGH, Michelle ; PREMDAS, Ninette
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This series of books makes the gap between what is taught in the University and practiced in clinical placements much smaller and less frightening. It provides guidance on achieving the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) outcomes and proficiencies, which are essential for becoming a registered nurse, using case studies and real examples to help you. Knowledge of what opportunities to seek in particular clinical areas and how best to achieve them helps considerably, especially when there is so much else to think about. The series also provides a number of opportunities to recap essential knowledge needed for that area (very useful as lectures can seem a long time ago!). Form student nurses setting out on that journey to those nearly ending, these books are a valuable resource and support and will help you evercome these sudden panic attacks when you suddenly think 'what do i do no?'. Enjoy them as I have enjoyed being able to have an opportunity to contribute to their development.
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