Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea :  Great classic collections

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea : Great classic collections

Jules Verne

Detil Buku
Edisi Cet. 1
Penerbit Jakarta : Pustaka Lebah, 2018
Deskripsi Fisik 32 hlm : ilus ; 21x28 cm
ISBN 978-979-3973-87-6
Subjek NOVEL
Bahasa Indonesia
Call Number KC/823 VER t ; 823 VER t
Science and adventure are electJules Verne, si Bapak Fiksi Ilmiah, menulis kisah yang menggemparkan dunia ini, setelah terilhami oleh Brutus de Villeroi, guru menggambar dan matematikanya di Saint Donatien pada tahun 1842. Villeroi, yang juga seorang penemu di Prancis, adalah orang pertama yang mendesain dan membuat kapal selam pertama AL Amerika Serikat, Alligator.rifying accomplices in Jules Verne's classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. This epic and enduring tale anticipates not just wonders such as electric light and submarine navigation, but the obsession with technology and travel that today so shapes our lives. It is Verne's inspired foresight, combined with his extraordinary talent for storytelling, that continue to make this novel such a compelling read. The excitement this adventure caused around the world when it was first published 150 years ago can still be very easily imagined indeed in the twenty-first century. This modern translation by F. P. Walter restores the cuts and omits the bowdlerization made in the original English version.
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