Indahnya pengasuhan dengan theraplay : seni membangun bonding dengan anak
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"The technique of Theraplay is simple, but very powerful!" —Vidya Dwina Paramita, bestselling author Of Falling In Love with Montessori "My son is very shy and often tantrums in public places." "I don't want my child to be a perpetrator or a victim of bullying." "It's so hard to keep him away from gadgets and TVs." These sentences we must have heard a lot or maybe we ourselves experienced them. We are often bothered by the child's attitudes, such as shyness, overactivity, tantrums, indiscipline, or even dependence on gadgets. However, on the other hand, we have obstacles in building bonding with children. Miraculously, through Theraplay all these problems can be overcome. There is no need for abundant toys. It is also not necessary to have 24 hours to be by his side. Just take 30 minutes every day, then look at the beautiful changes. Parenting with Theraplay can build meaningful bonding and abundant love between parents and children. In the end, children can grow up happier, confident, resilient, more cooperative, and open to us. Theraplay has been proven by many parents to be life-changing and improve relationships with children. Now, why don't you try it too?