Love for imperfect things = mencintai ketidaksempurnaan
Haemin Sunim (Pengarang)
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When we can already love ourselves, the world will begin to see that we are indeed worthy of love. No one is perfect in this world, and that is not a reason for us to avoid love for the world, for our fellow human beings, even for ourselves. Through this book, Buddhist teacher Haemin Sunim shares personal stories and experiences over the years of helping others to teach us the art of self-care. When we treat ourselves with compassion, empathy, and forgiveness, we also learn to treat others with the same; allows us to establish deeper relationships with others, rise from slumps, face pain and sadness, listen more carefully, express ourselves, and have the courage to pursue the happy thing so that we feel complete. Love for imperfect things offers inner comfort, encouragement, and wisdom so that we can learn to love ourselves, our lives, and everyone in them.