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Run rose run

Run rose run

Dolly Parton (Pengarang) ; James Patterson (Pengarang)

Edisi Cetakan Pertama
Penerbit United Kingdom : Penguin Random House, 2023
Deskripsi Fisik iv + 439 halaman : - ; 15.7 x 10.5 cm
ISBN 9781804942413
Subjek Fiksi Asing
Bahasa Indonesia
Call Number 823 PAR r

Tersedia di:

Perpustakaan Jakarta - PDS HB Jassin
Dapat dipinjam: 3


Every song tells a story. She’s a star on the rise, singing about the hard life behind her. She’s also on the run. Find a future, lose a past. Nashville is where she’s come to claim her destiny. It’s also where the darkness she’s fled might find her. And destroy her.


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