Fish butchery
Niland, Josh (Pengarang)
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Josh’s multi award-winning debut The Whole Fish Cookbook created a new blueprint for fish cookery, while its bestselling sequel Take One Fish unpacked 15 different species to reveal their true gastronomic potential. In this latest book, Josh continues to open our eyes to the potential of fish in the kitchen. Presented in three stunning sections Catch, Cut and Craft and illustrated by legendary artist and musician Reg Mombassa, it’s both a challenge to the food industry to do things differently and a dazzling manual to the eye-popping potential in each and every fish. Featuring detailed instructions on how to prepare fish from reverse butterfly to double saddle as well as over 40 brilliant recipes for everything from fish sticks to pies, sausage and chorizo, Fish Butchery will disrupt, challenge and inspire the next generation.
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