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Poder y sociedad :  en el Peru contemporaneo

Poder y sociedad : en el Peru contemporaneo

Bourricaud, Francois (Pengarang)

Edisi Cetakan pertama
Penerbit Peru : Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP), 2017; © IEP Instituto de Estdio Peruanos
Deskripsi Fisik 472 Halaman : Ilustrasi ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9789972516467
Subjek Antropologi / Politik Peru / Kekuasaan / Masyarakat Peru
Bahasa Spanyol
Call Number R/301 BOU p

Tersedia di:

Perpustakaan Jakarta - Cikini
Baca di tempat: 1


The topicality of this book comes from the way in which it addresses politics and the political in Peru in the 50s and 60s. Bourricaud's book is endowed with methodological efficiency and a beating drum narrative that reveals the frenetic rhythm of a social and political life that operates from the depth of history and literary realism. Bourricaud tells us about a present time, about the problems of Peru today, about its surprising relevance: a fragile political regime, with its games between actors, their coexistence and collusion; with a landscape marked by similar paths regarding the difficulty of governing, the roles of the “obstructionist” opposition, the incipient civil society, the politicization of the middle classes and the emergence of cholification. Thus, many of the hypotheses and descriptions that Bourricaud proposes here remain, in the fourth five years of the 21st century, if not absolutely valid, at least as forceful invitations to reflection and study in this classic text of the social sciences.


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