The encyclopedia of aquarium fish
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Aquarium hobbyists will love this beautifully illustrated identifier of more than 230 freshwater and marine species, all suitable for home tanks. Vivid, nearly life-size, full-color photos show each fish. Photos are supplemented with descriptions, waters where each fish is found in nature, and the fish's typical behavior in an aquarium. Symbol keys explain at a glance whether the fish is a herbivore, omnivore, or predator, its compatibility with other fish, and its ease of keeping on a 1-to-10 scale. Among the 150 freshwater species shown are minnows, cichlids, labyrinth fishes, catfishes, loaches, cold water cyprinids including goldfish varieties, and many others. The 84 marine species, both tropical and cold water, include angelfishes, damselfishes, tropical blennies, pufferfish, eels, tropical groupers, and others. Indeks : hlm. 220-223