National geographic beagle patrol
Waring, Rob
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Beagles are dogs with an extremely powerful sense of smell. They often work at airports to find illegal or unsafe items. Before they can do the job,, they must go through training. What does it take to be on the Beagle Patrol? What happens to dogs that don't make it? "The Footprint Reading Library" is the first non-fiction reading series for English language learners to present real-world stories in print, audio, and video. This series offers fascinating stories and facts from across the planet, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing. It offers a rich selection of engaging non-fiction, grouped into five themes: Incredible Animals, Fascinating Places, Remarkable People, Exciting Activities, and Amazing Science. One hundred individual readers are graded into eight levels - from Pre-Intermediate to Advanced. It ranges from 800 to 3,000 headwords.
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