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Miranda Malonka
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There are letters that will never be sent. There are letters that have been sent and may never be read by the recipient. Life taught Sylvia about obsession. Friendship taught him about problems. And Sylvia believes everyone can be saved from their life's problems. Until he meets Anggara, who teaches him about love that unties. And for the first time Sylvia realized that she could not be everyone's savior. Sometimes safety regulations no longer apply when it comes to obsession and love. "Sylvia's Letters is one of many stories about teenagers who look fine, but have severe psychological problems and need to get mentoring. Mental problems can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere, and hopefully Sylvia's story helps make us more concerned about our own mental health and those around us." --- Fakhrisina Amalia Rovieq, M. Psi., Psychologist