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State civil apparatus (ASN) performance management system
Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) / Kinerja / Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN)

State civil apparatus (ASN) performance management system

Adi Suryanto (editor) ; Agus Sudrajat (editor) ; Sri Hadiati W.K. (editor) ; Agus Pahrul Sidik (cover design and layout) ; Arif Ramadhan (cover design and layout) ; Agung Nugroho (translator)

Playing for Keeps :  How the world's most aggressive and admired companies use core values to manage, energize, and organize their pople and promote, advance, achieve, their corporate missions
Management / Employee Motivation

Playing for Keeps : How the world's most aggressive and admired companies use core values to manage, energize, and organize their pople and promote, advance, achieve, their corporate missions

Harmon, Frederick G. (Pengarang)

On management :  salah kaprah menjadi atasan

On management : salah kaprah menjadi atasan

Stern, Stefan (Pengarang) ; Cary Cooper (pengarang) ; Ine Nuraini (pengalih bahasa) ; Saptono Raharjo (penyunting) ; Febrianti Rusda (penyelaras akhir) ; Alif Mustafa (desain sampul) ; Astrid Arastazia (penata letak)

The crafts business encyclopedia :  The modern craftsperson's guide to marketing, management and money
Kamus Manajemen, Ensiklopedia Manajemen

The crafts business encyclopedia : The modern craftsperson's guide to marketing, management and money

Leonard D Duboff (Pengarang) ; michael scott (Pengarang)

Wawancara Imaginer dengan Bung Karno

Wawancara Imaginer dengan Bung Karno

Christian Wibisono (Pengarang)

Statistical techniques in business and economics :  with global data sets thirteenth edition
Statistic of Business = Statistik Bisnis / Office Management = Manajemen Kantor

Statistical techniques in business and economics : with global data sets thirteenth edition

Lind, Douglas A. (Pengarang) ; Marchal, William G. (Pengarang) ; Wathen, Samuel A. (Pengarang)

Transition pathways to sustainable tropical peatland management

Transition pathways to sustainable tropical peatland management

Ibnu Budiman

The toyota way :  14 Management principles from the worl's greatest manufacturer

The toyota way : 14 Management principles from the worl's greatest manufacturer

Liker, Jeffrey K. (Pengarang)