Ulasan - Confessions (5)
3 bulan yang lalu
Maaf ternyata saya kurang cocok sama buku ini. POVnya saya gak paham jadi pusing sendiri. Drop di halaman 110
Oktiani Endarwati
3 bulan yang lalu
Novel yang sangat bagus dan bikin pembaca penasaran. Banyak plot twist yang cerdas. Bukan sekadar cerita pembunuhan, tapi juga cinta sejati dan kasih sayang ibu kepada anak. Meski caranya salah.
5 bulan yang lalu
I never expected that this novel could be this good. I mean, it truly deserved the awards it received. This book tells the story of a teacher's confessions to her class about the revenge she exacted on the people who murdered her daughter. These people are two students in her class. She decided to resign from the school, and on the last day of her employment, she delivered a confession about the revenge she carried out on these two students. A bit spoiler: One student experienced severe distress and decided to stop attending school. In contrast, the other student somehow became grateful for this revenge. However, the teacher's revenge was initially thwarted by her partner. Despite this setback, the teacher did not lose faith. She kept these two students close, looking for another opportunity for revenge, and eventually succeeded. I totally loved how the author gradually built the story of this mysterious revenge. Slowly, we come to understand the motives of each person involved in the murder of the teacher's daughter. The novel addresses many social issues, such as hikikomori, parental abuse, and the concept of a "bad genius" (a person who is smart but lacks morals). I was really intrigued by this story. I totally loved it.
Meidhita Anjani Dewi
6 bulan yang lalu
Buku ini lumayan menarik. Balas dendam yang pintar, mendidik, atau setimpal dari seorang guru sekaligus ibu. Sudut pandang berubah di tiap bab. Mungkin supaya pembaca mengerti atau malah simpati dengan setiap karakter.
Ria M. R. Tumimomor
2 tahun yang lalu
Dari review singkat para pembaca lain, saya bersiap utk membaca awal cerita yang lambat. Dan ternyata itu memang benar. Butuh kesabaran untuk membaca perlahan, mencari tahu pokok masalahnya. Mana sempet bingung sama nama2 tokohnya. Karena mereka terkadang memanggil dengan nama keluarga, atau nama depan. Cerita dendam seorang ibu, yang ternyata tak berkesudahan. Cerita tentang pelaku kejahatan dan alasan mereka melakukan hal tersebut, karena POV tidak hanya dari satu tokoh. Tapi juga tokoh2 lainnya, termasuk si pelaku kejahatan. Suka sama cerita dan berterimakasih sama penerjemah2nya ^_^