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Ulasan - My crazy feminist girlfriend (2)



Suci Terawati

1 bulan yang lalu

Sebuah ide cerita yang menurutku sangat bagus, hubungan sepasang kekasih di mana sang wanita adalah seorang feminis dan sang lelaki yang masih menganut paham patriarki lumayan kental. Yah, sebesar apa pun rasa cinta yang kita miliki untuk seseorang, tentu prinsip hidup yang kita peganglah pemenangnya. Sebuah buku yang sangat bagus!


2 bulan yang lalu

Reading about feminism is like entering a new chapter in my life. This is the first book I've read that focuses primarily on feminism. As a reader, I've realized how little I understood about "feminism" before. However, one thing that sticks in my mind is that those involved in feminist activities are called feminists, and they are mostly women. So, I find it very unique that this novel takes the point of view of a man to describe feminism. Previously, I read a book titled "Ketika Chat Room Menjadi Ruang Seksploitasi," which briefly discussed feminism in South Korea. These two books have two things in common: they mention the feminist movement called #MeToo and are set in South Korea. So, the previous book provided me with some context for reading this book. Thank goodness. Reading this book, I noticed the reasons behind why many feminists are so outraged in society. One topic that struck me from this novel is the debate over abortion laws. It's a very complex issue, to be honest. On one side, abortion might be seen as a violation of the baby's human rights. On the other hand, women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. However, I'm glad that I gained a new perspective on feminism from this book. I've learned about their ideas, beliefs, and reasons for speaking out. I believe there's a reason behind every action. If you have more recommendations about books on this topic, please kindly lemme know. I'd like to read more about this topic. Thanks