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Menampilkan hasil untuk "ECONOMIC"

50 economics classics :  your shortcut to the most important ideas on capitalism, finance, and the global economy
Classical Economics

50 economics classics : your shortcut to the most important ideas on capitalism, finance, and the global economy

Butler-Bowdon, Tom (Pengarang)

Fiksi Latin / Guatemala


Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds (Pengarang) ; Janco, De Tania (Ilustrator) ; Pacheco, de Laura Emilia (Ilustrator)

Sustainable tourism development in the komodo national park :  (socio-economic & cultural perspective)
Taman Nasional

Sustainable tourism development in the komodo national park : (socio-economic & cultural perspective)

Fredrik L. Benu (Pengarang) ; David B.W. Pandie (Pengarang) ; Moni W. Muskanan (Pengarang) ; Halena Meldy Asa (Pengarang) ; Agus A. Nalle (Pengarang)

Historia economica del Peru :  desde la conquista espanola hasta el presente
Sejarah ekonomi / Sejarah / Peru / Penaklukan Spanyol

Historia economica del Peru : desde la conquista espanola hasta el presente

Carranza, Carlos Contreras (Pengarang)

The Psychology of investing
Investasi / Psikologi / investasi / Cryptocurrencies / Investing / General investment / Economics

The Psychology of investing

Nofsinger, John R (Pengarang) ; Whindy Yoevestian (Penyunting) ; Kowiya (Penerjemah)

Keeping Indonesia sage from the covid-19 pandemic :  lessons learnt from the national economic recovery programme
Kebijakan Pemerintah / Ekonomi / Covid/19

Keeping Indonesia sage from the covid-19 pandemic : lessons learnt from the national economic recovery programme

Suahasil Nazara (editor) ; Titik Anas (editor) ; Candra Fajri Ananda (editor) ; Kiki Verico (editor) ; Sri Mulyani (editor)

The economics of colonialism in Korea :  rethinking Japanese rule and aftermath
Ekonomi, Siklus / Kolonialisme

The economics of colonialism in Korea : rethinking Japanese rule and aftermath

Mitsuhiko, Kimura (Pengarang) ; The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) (Penerjemah)

The criminalisation of bribery in Asia and the Pacific

The criminalisation of bribery in Asia and the Pacific
